When do I need professional help with my stress?

A stressful experience such as a disaster can lead to long-term effects of stress and ongoing challenges. Life may feel dull or overwhelming; it may seem like things will never improve, and emotions such as anger or sadness may be predominant. When this happens, it may be a good time to seek additional help to support you in moving forward.

We’ve included some signs below that can help you decide if you are doing well in your life or if help from a counselor or stress support professional might be helpful. If you can answer yes to most of these items, you are dealing well with your stress. If you answer no to most of these items, it might be helpful to seek professional help.

List of Factors Indicating a Positive Life Experience

o Are you getting plenty of restful sleep at night?

o Do you enjoy seeing people you like, and is it easy to talk with them?

o Do you feel relaxed and comfortable when you have free time?

o Are you able to smile at others and greet them in a positive way?

o Do your emotions range from happy to sad, angry to joyful, and disappointed to fulfilled so that you are experiencing a full range of feelings?

o Are you accomplishing your work or completing projects?

o Do you wake up and get out of bed regularly with a good feeling for the coming day?

o Are there many activities you avoid because they bring up negative feelings?

o Do you handle disagreement well?

o Do you rarely lose your temper or get very angry at others?

o Do you feel confident?

o Do you stand up for yourself?

o Do you enjoy each day?

o Do other people tell you that you are doing better than you were in the past?

o Do you see hope for the future?

Everyone deserves to feel good about themselves, so please seek support if needed!

Feeling overwhelmed after a disaster is normal, but many people find that after 1-2 years, they can refocus on the present and become more like their pre-disaster selves. If that is not happening, trained professionals in the mental health and disaster recovery fields may be able to help.

This local website has information and links to many helpful resources for various situations. In addition, there are separate Toolkits for families and children, older adults, behavioral health, and many others!  www.lanecounty.org/toolkit

Everyone deserves to feel good about themselves, so please seek support if needed!

Feeling overwhelmed after a disaster is normal, but many people find that after 1-2 years, they can refocus on the present and become more like their pre-disaster selves. If that is not happening, trained professionals in the mental health and disaster recovery fields may be able to help. Resources are featured below: