Resilience & Reconnection in Stressful Times

There will be a free workshop for those working or volunteering in the McKenzie Valley, to assist with all the stresses that arise as they serve those recovering from the 2020 Holiday Farm Fire. Thank you to generous funding from the United Way and MVLTRG, there is no charge. This will be an initial workshop to cover the basics of staying strong and resilient, and there will be follow-up opportunities in December. Sign up here!

A Workshop with Elaine Walters from the Trauma Healing Project

McKenzie Valley Workers and Volunteers Invited!

Wednesday November 30th at 3 - 6PM on Zoom

To register go to

This interactive workshop is for essential workers, educators, front line staff,

volunteers, managers and others interested in ensuring healthy workplaces

and worker resiliency. Participants will gain concrete skills and strategies to

use personally and with others to help mitigate some of the stress from the

Holiday Farm Fire currently impacting so many of us in our organizations and

communities. Come learn about (and practice) healthy coping, stressreduction

and emotional regulation approaches and strategies.

Certificates of Completion provided. Please register to receive the zoom link.

This project is sponsored by United Way of Lane County and the

McKenzie Valley Long Term Recovery Group (MVLTRG)

For more information, contact:

Lucy Zammarelli at 541-520-4702 (text or call)


Happy Holidays!


My Oregon News: “Rebuilding From Wildfire”